Peyton Little
Major/Area of Study
Graduation Date
CU 2020 (Biology) CU 2021(Chemistry)
Current Employer
CU: How was the transition from Cameron University to another University?
Peyton: The transition from Cameron to Baylor was an adjustment. You are thrown into a lot of things all at once, rotations, classes, TA-ing, and research. I came a month earlier and began research before school started which I highly recommend. It allowed me to get training, become familiar with Baylor, and get to meet people prior to the semester starting.
CU: What was your most challenging class in undergrad?
Peyton: Analytical Chemistry
CU: What did you splurge on with your first big paycheck?
Peyton: A new laptop
CU: What inspired you to do Chemistry?
Peyton: I always wanted to do research but wasn't able to do biology research while playing volleyball at Cameron so once I was done with volleyball I got into doing research with Dr. Nalley. I really enjoyed it and was encouraged by many other professors to keep pursuing it. I ended up finding a lab where I now get to do both, biology and chemistry!
CU: What advice would you give to current students?
Peyton: Get involved within the department from research to clubs and events. I think the hands-on experience and networking is just as important if not more valuable than the grades.