Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Personally Identifiable Information

All other information contained in student records falls into the restricted category. This type of restricted information is found mainly in

(1) the academic record maintained by the Office of the Registrar and controlled by the Registrar;

(2) the student conduct record kept in the Office of Student Development; and

(3) the records of the various other University offices of Financial Assistance, Student Development, Public Safety and Student Housing, supervised by their respective directors.

To protect the rights of the student or graduate, it shall be the policy of the University to release this restricted information to other persons or agencies, only as provided by FERPA. However, a student may choose to release information to a third party by completing a Student Request to Share Information and FERPA waiver. Forms and information are available in the Office of Student Services, North Shepler 324, 581-2244.

Emergency situations may develop which could necessitate the release of restricted information without the approval of the student or proper legal action. In these emergency situations, where the immediate welfare of the student or the University may be in jeopardy, the administrative official in charge of the office maintaining the requested information will make the decision regarding the release of the information. In cases where the responsible administrator is not available to make the decision, or, if he or she decides not to release the information, an appeal to secure the information may be made to the University President.

Visit for forms and information.