Transferring In
At Cameron University, you are considered to be a transfer applicant if you have attempted 6 or more credit hours at another college or university post-high school graduation. The transfer database provided on this website will help you determine how your course credits will transfer to Cameron. Courses for many national and international institutions are currently included, and the system will continue to be updated with more courses and institutions as current offerings are evaluated. Please note that if your institution and/or courses are not listed, it may simply mean that a student has never tried to transfer courses from that institution; it does not mean that credit will not be awarded. Typically, transfer credit is only granted from institutionally accredited universities and colleges.
For more information or assistance with the transfer admissions process, please contact the Office of Admissions (
For more information or assistance with transcripts, please contact the Registrar (
For more information on the CU Transfer Equivalency Database, please contact the Academic Affairs Coordinator, (
Transferring within Oklahoma
If you are transferring into Cameron with credits from other Oklahoma institutions, or plan on transferring Cameron credits to another Oklahoma institution, you can use Oklahoma's Course Equivalency Project to see if a specific course is transferrable to another Oklahoma institution. The Course Equivalency Project is a searchable database of course equivalencies that are transferable among Oklahoma public colleges and institutions (as well as some private institutions). Each table displays equivalent courses at each college and university and is organized by academic discipline, such as biology or history.
Credit for Prior Learning
Cameron University recognizes that students may sometimes gain knowledge outside the university setting that is equivalent to that developed through college coursework. This non-traditional learning, or prior learning, is most frequently acquired through advanced high school courses, work experience, adult or continuing education, in-service training, workshops and conferences, and self-initiated reading and study. It may also be gained through volunteer work, travel, and recreational activities or hobbies.
College credit for prior learning may be awarded for verifiable learning gained through experience. Cameron University offers students multiple options for earning college credit by demonstrating the knowledge they have gained via non-college experiences. Credit may be earned by completing standardized tests, by demonstrating course competency through departmental exams, and by submitting transcripts for workplace or military training recognized by ACE or NCCRS. In each case, credit for prior learning is awarded for verifiable skills and learning gained through the experience and not for the experience itself.
A maximum of 45 semester hours of credit for prior learning can be applied towards associate degrees; a maximum of 64 semester hours can be applied toward baccalaureate degrees. Students must complete at least 12 semester hours at Cameron before prior learning credit is placed on the transcript. (Exception: prior learning credit awarded to military service personnel and their dependents will be placed on the transcript upon initial paid enrollment.) Prior learning credit does not factor into GPA.
Credit for Standardized Tests
Prior learning credit is available at Cameron University through each of the following standardized tests:
Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations
Advanced placement exams are administered primarily in the high schools. They are usually culminating exams for high school students enrolled in AP courses. Students must score a 3 on the exam to receive college-level credit.
A complete listing of specific course credits at Cameron University for acceptable AP scores is available at Credit for AP exams will be recorded on the Cameron transcript with a grade of “S” after the student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at Cameron.
AP transcripts are sent to Cameron by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). If a student has taken an AP exam but did not designate Cameron University as a recipient, an AP transcript may be requested by contacting ETS:
Phone: (212) 632-1780
FAX: (610) 290-8979
The Advanced Placement Exam code for Cameron University is 6080.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
CLEP tests are designed to test knowledge in specific college subjects. Credit is available for many general education courses, as well as for some upper division major courses.
CLEP tests are given at the Testing Center by appointment one day a month, usually on the third Tuesday of every month, at 10:00 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Students must register for each exam on CLEP's website before making an appointment with the Testing Center and should be prepared to provide an Admission Ticket number when making an appointment. Appointments for CLEP testing can be made here.
A full list of Cameron course credits available for acceptable CLEP scores is available at Credit for CLEP exams will be recorded on the Cameron transcript with a grade of “S” after the student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at Cameron. If the score is too low, no entry is made on the transcript.
Transcripts for CLEP exams that have been taken at other institutions may be requested by contacting CLEP:
Phone: (212) 237-1331 or (800) 257-9558
FAX: (610) 628-3726
The CLEP code for Cameron University is 6080.
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
The nationally recognized DSST program allows students to receive college credit for learning acquired outside the classroom. DSST tests are given in the Cameron Testing Center by appointment only. To make an appointment, call the Testing Center at (580)581-2502.
A full list of Cameron course credits available for acceptable DSST scores is available at Credit for DSST exams will be recorded on the Cameron transcript with a grade of “S” after the student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at Cameron. If the score is too low, no entry is made on the transcript.
A full DSST transcript, including DSST tests not taken at Cameron, may be requested online at
Credit for Transcripted Prior Learning
International Baccalaureate Credit
Students who have completed one or more international baccalaureate courses at their high schools may provide an International Baccalaureate transcript to be evaluated for college level credit.
A complete list of higher-level International Baccalaureate courses, minimum score required for credit, and the Cameron University course credit awarded can be found here. Credit for International Baccalaureate coursework will be recorded on the Cameron transcript with a grade of “S” after the student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at Cameron.
The American Council on Education (ACE) and The National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS)
Students who have completed an ACE or NCCRS training program can submit course completion certificates or exam scores and receive course credit based on the recommendations of ACE’s The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training and NCCRS’s Online Directory
Here is a list of current course equivalencies awarded for completion of certifications.
Cameron University has also assigned specific course equivalencies for some ACE transcribed credit, including some types of military training (see Military Training Credit below). A full list of course equivalencies is available here.
Credit for ACE and NCCRS programs will be recorded on the Cameron transcript with a grade of “S” after the student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at Cameron.
Military Training Credit
Military and former military personnel may receive credit for military training experiences. Cameron University awards credit based on ACE recommendations. Information about ACE credit can be found at the Military Guide Online.
Credit for military occupational specialties (MOS) will be granted on a course-by-course basis when the department responsible for offering the course validates equivalency to a Cameron course. Here is a list of established course equivalencies for military experience.
Students may initiate the review of military experiences for credit by submitting a Joint Service Transcript to the Office of Admissions. Credit for military experiences will be recorded on the Cameron transcript with a grade of “S” after the student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at Cameron with the exception that prior learning credit awarded to active-duty military service personnel and their dependents will be placed on the transcript upon initial paid enrollment.
Credit for Prior Learning through Portfolio Assessment
Degree-seeking students who are enrolled or eligible to enroll may request a review of materials demonstrating prior learning through a portfolio assessment process. In order to receive course credit via this method, students must submit a portfolio of materials documenting prior college-level learning experience that shows that they have met the learning outcomes for a given course. Students will be required to submit a separate portfolio for each course they request to have transcribed. Students will also pay a separate application fee of $100.00 for each portfolio submitted to cover the cost of the portfolio review. Once the portfolio has been submitted, the application fee is non-refundable.
All portfolio review for course credit adheres to the Ten Standards for Assessing Learning published by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning. Credit awarded via portfolio assessment is governed by the same policies that govern other forms of prior learning credit at Cameron University. College credit is awarded for the learning documented in the portfolio, not for the experience itself.
Preparation of a Portfolio
Before submitting a portfolio for consideration, the student should meet with the department chair for the target course to discuss the intention to prepare a portfolio. At this meeting, a timeline and a plan for portfolio content will be developed and agreed upon. The student may be referred to a syllabus or to a faculty member at this point.
The plan for portfolio content should directly address mastery of the course learning outcomes, and the applicant should be thoughtful in the selection of the materials to be included. The student should identify and examine the course learning outcomes prior to assembling a portfolio, either by reviewing the syllabus for the course or in consultation with the department, then collect materials that demonstrate the student’s mastery of those outcomes. Items that may be presented for consideration might include, but are not limited to
1. A detailed resume with a thorough description of the duties and responsibilities of each position and the specific learning that occurred during employment.
2. Letters of documentation from relevant supervisors. (Any letters submitted should be very specific in matching workplace learning with the learning outcomes for the course).
3. Certificates or other evidence of training programs, accompanied by the credentials of the trainers sponsoring the programs.
4. Documentation of licensures or certifications held.
5. Video of performances or presentations or graphic images of work produced by the student.
6. Written work produced by the student (which could include manuals, presentation outlines, marketing or strategic plans, and other written items).
7. Transcripts of previous educational achievement.
Submission of Portfolio
Each portfolio submitted should include a cover page, specific materials demonstrating mastery of the learning outcomes for the requested course, a 1500–2000-word essay explaining the connection between the materials provided and mastery of the course learning outcomes, and a receipt for the submission fee, which must be paid to the university cashier prior to review.
The portfolio cover page should include the following information:
1. Date of submission
2. Student’s name, email address, and student ID number
3. The course number, course title, and course description for the course for which the student wishes to be awarded credit (all information must be from the course catalog in effect at the time of application)
4. A list of the items of evidence provided to document mastery of the course’s learning outcomes
The essay should be typed, double-spaced in 12-point font (preferably Times Roman or Calibri).
Each portfolio should be submitted to the department chair with whom the student had the initial consultation about the portfolio.
Review of Portfolio
Students should allow a minimum of three weeks for the portfolio review process. Times may be longer during summer or intersessions.
Each portfolio will be reviewed using a portfolio review rubric by a minimum of two faculty members from the department in which the target course is taught. If there is not enough expertise within the department, an independent subject matter expert may be used. Should the two readers disagree, the department chair will make the final decision.
Additional information may be requested of the student during the review process.
Students may not appeal a portfolio review decision.
Credit for Departmental Exams
In some cases, students may have specialized experience that cannot be tested by any standardized national exam nor equated via transcript. Such experience might include prior learning not tested by AP, CLEP, or DSST, workplace training not transcribed by ACE or NCCRS, or prior coursework that is not approved for transfer. In those cases, a student may ask to receive credit for a specific Cameron course based upon performance on a departmental exam.
Students who wish to earn course credit via a departmental exam should follow the steps below:
1) The student contacts the Testing Center at (580) 581-2502 or and requests an advanced standing examination.
2) The Testing Center forwards the request to the Academic Department for their approval.
3) If testing is approved, the department makes the password protected test available to the Testing Center. In cases where special equipment is needed (for example, performing arts or laboratory exams), arrangements will be made with the department to administer the exam in a secure manner.
4) Once the test is available, the student will be notified by the Testing Center and will schedule and pay for the test through RegisterBlast.
5) When the student has completed the test, the department will score it.
6) The department will notify the Registrar’s Office of the results of the test via email with a copy to the Testing Center.
Policies Governing Prior Learning Credit
Students enrolled at Cameron University may receive degree credit for post-secondary level extra-institutional learning related to subject areas, courses, and programs of study offered by Cameron University. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for developing and administering policies and procedures for awarding credit for prior learning. Assessment and awards of credit for prior learning are made under policies and procedures designed to assure that reliable and valid measures of learning outcomes have been applied.
• A maximum of 45 semester hours of prior learning credit can be applied towards associate degrees; a maximum of 64 semester hours can be applied toward baccalaureate degrees.
• Prior learning credit must be validated by successful completion of at least 12 semester hours at Cameron before being placed on the transcript. Prior learning credit awarded to military service personnel and their dependents will be placed on the transcript upon initial paid enrollment.
• Prior learning credit is identified on the transcript by “Adv Standing.”
• The “S” grade is assigned to credits earned by advanced standing.
• Credit granted will be included only in the number of hours earned, not in GPA calculations.
• Credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) are granted according to ACE and NCCRS recommendations.
• Credit will be granted for College Board’s Advanced Placement Program (AP) for scores of 3 or higher.
• Credit for non-collegiate schools, such as those offered by military services, businesses, industry, unions, or governmental agencies, will be awarded according to ACE and NCCRS recommendations.
• Credit for experiential learning will be granted on a course-by-course basis using institutionally-prepared exams.
• A score equivalent to a grade of “C” will be used as the minimum passing score for institutionally-prepared exams.
• Credit for military occupational specialties (MOS) will be granted on course-by course basis.
Additional Information and Resources
Students seeking additional information and resources regarding prior learning credit or transfer credit can visit, a prior learning website maintained by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.