Students and animals

Student Organizations

Aggie Club

The Cameron University FFA Alumni and Supporters Chapter and Aggie Club, built on long tradition, hard work, fun, and friendliness has been a part of Cameron University since its beginnings and has gained recognition and attention as an outstanding student organization. Through the hard work and advance preparation of its members the Aggie Club provides a wide variety of events that are fun for everyone.

Faculty Advisors: Tom Arnold [(580) 581-2373;]

On Facebook: Cameron University Aggie Club

Biology Club

The Cameron University Biology Club provides fellowship for biology students and other individuals interested in biological sciences. Club members organize a variety of meetings and field trips each year.

Faculty Advisor: Patrick McAnerney [(580) 581-2287;]

On Facebook: Cameron University Biology Club

Beta Beta Beta

Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society (Tri-Beta) is an international honor society that provides fellowship for biology students and promotes interest in graduate and professional studies. The Psi Eta Chapter of Beta Beta Beta was established at Cameron University in 1984.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mike Husak [(580) 581-2374;]

Brazilizn Jiu Jitsu Club

The purpose of the Cameron University Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club is to promote physical competency on campus through BJJ. Any student, staff, or faculty member at Cameron University, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or political affiliation is eligible and welcome to become an active member.

CU on the MAT. OSS.

 Faculty Advisor: Dana Winters [(580) 581-2309;]

On Facebook: Cameron University Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club

Health Professions Society (HPS)

The Cameron University Health Professions Society (HPS) promotes student enrichment for all Cameron University students who may be interested in pursuing a health career.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Matt Van Sant [(580) 581-2349;]

Pre-Nursing Club

The Cameron University Pre-Nursing Club provides students  with an the opportunity to learn about nursing-related instruction, degree program requirements and application procedures and dates, and the nursing profession.  The club exists to support its members in achieving their career goals in the field of nursing through a variety of informational events and fun activities.

Faculty Advisor: Dana Winters [(580) 581-2309;]