Below are some of the services offered at our Duncan Campus.

Academic Advisement, Admissions & Financial Assistance Information
Kevin Coffman, Academic & Financial Assistance Advisor Phone: (580) 581-5955 Email:
ACT Testing (On Campus Only)
CU-Duncan offers the On Campus ACT test to area students who are enrolled at Cameron University, have been admitted to Cameron University or are in the process of applying for admission to Cameron University.
Bookstore & Textbook Sales
Get your textbooks easily and conveniently!
Computerized Placement Test
Placement tests provide information about the reading, English, and mathematics skills that are required for success in college. By assessing the student's ability levels in these areas, the CPTs help to determine the reading, English, and mathematics courses most appropriate for each student.
Student ID Cards
Upon enrolling at Cameron University for the first time, students may have a student identification card printed at CU-Duncan or at Student Accounts in the Administration Building on the Lawton campus. A student's initial ID card costs $30. You may continue to use the same ID card for future semesters; there is no need to have a new one printed each semester.
Library Services
These services include InterLibrary Loan and reference assistance via email or phone.
Testing Center
The Cameron University Duncan Testing Center supports student retention and success by providing examinations and resources to assist academic and professional advancement and development both internally to faculty, staff, and students and externally to the Southwest Oklahoma community.
Tutoring Lab
The Tutoring Lab offers free tutoring services to students needing assistance with math and writing related assignments.