We hope your educational experience at Cameron University is awesome!
If problems do arise, this information will help you register and
resolve your complaints. Thank you for your feedback.
Academic Issues
Issues regarding faculty members
Cameron University encourages students to meet with their instructor to attempt to resolve any issues and concerns. However, if a concern cannot be directly resolved with the faculty member, students may pursue a complaint by progressing through the administrative channels by contacting the instructor’s department chair, academic dean, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
English Proficiency of Instructors
It is the policy of Cameron University that all who provide instruction at the University shall be proficient in written, aural, and spoken English so that they may adequately instruct students. Cameron University has established procedures to ensure that faculty members have proficiency in written, aural, and spoken English.
A student who believes that an instructor is not sufficiently proficient in written, aural, or spoken English may file a written complaint with the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The identity of the complainant(s) shall remain confidential. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.
Grade Appeals
Appeals of final grades follow a specific procedure. That procedure includes a hearing before a Grade Appeals Committee, appointed by lot by the Chair of the Academic Appeals Committee (a University Committee), and is composed of faculty and students.
Issues regarding Distance Education courses
For complaints about online course access, Blackboard, or Distance Learning support services, please email distance_learning@cameron.edu or call 580-581-5498 / 580-581-5950. If the concern has not been adequately addressed, Oklahoma resident students may appeal the complaint with Cameron University’s SARA state portal agency https://www.okhighered.org/current-college-students/. Out-of-state students with unresolved complaints should contact their home state’s SARA portal agency found within this link https://www.nc-sara.org/state-portal-entity-contacts.
Non-academic Issues
Issues with admissions, veterans affairs or financial aid
Please contact the appropriate director regarding any complaints. Complaints may also be directed to the Office of Enrollment Management at emss@cameron.edu or 580-591-8058.
Issues with advising or the registrar’s office
Please contact the appropriate director regarding any complaints. Complaints may also be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs at vpaa@cameron.edu or 580-591-2250.
Title IX and other related Issues
Gender-based misconduct
For complaints based upon gender-based misconduct, contact the university’s Equal Opportunity Officer/Title IX Coordinator at (580) 581-6712, or via email at eo-tix@cameron.edu, or the department chair, academic dean, or administrative supervisor.
Discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, consensual sexual relationships, retaliation or racial and ethnic harassment
For complaints based upon discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, consensual sexual relationships, retaliation or racial and ethnic harassment, contact the university’s Equal Opportunity Officer/Title IX Coordinator at (580) 581-6712, or via email at eo-tix@cameron.edu, or the department chair, academic dean, or administrative supervisor.
Sexual Violence
For complaints based upon sexual violence, contact the university’s Equal Opportunity Officer/Title IX Coordinator at (580) 581-6712, or via email at eo-tix@cameron.edu, or the department chair, academic dean, or administrative supervisor. (Then Learn More link to EEO page).
Freedom of expression
For complaints based upon freedom of expression, contact the university’s Equal Opportunity Officer/Title IX Coordinator at (580) 581-6712, or via email at eo-tix@cameron.edu, or the department chair, academic dean, or administrative supervisor.
Complaints to External Agencies
Aggies Report It
Students, faculty, staff, administrators, and campus visitors of Cameron University may confidentially report activities that are believed to be unethical, illegal, or other inappropriate behavior in violation of established procedures of The Board of Regents for Oklahoma University, Cameron University, and Rogers State University by using Ethics Point. The areas of reporting include Human Resources, Student Affairs, Institutional Equity, Academics, Accounting and Financial, Athletics, Safety, Regulatory/Policy Compliance, and Research.
Students have the right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education if the student believes that the University has failed to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The complaint must be made within 180 days of when the infraction was discovered, and there must be sufficient evidence to prove the violation.
Higher Learning Commission
Students, faculty, staff, administrators, and the public may submit a complaint to the Higher Learning Commission, which is the accreditor for Cameron University.
Don't see your category listed?
Cameron University departments have a supervisor and/or Director. We recommend that you do what you can to work within the appropriate University department to get the detailed information and support that you need.
You may also use the Cameron University Complaint system within AggieAccess by visiting https://aggieaccess.cameron.edu/web/home-community/my-info/complaint-system.