Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus


Affordability is a big part of a college decision. Cameron University provides several options for you to determine an estimate on how much college might cost.

Cameron University Cost Calculator

The Cameron University Cost Calculator takes into account such things as tuition, application fees, parking permits and meal plans at CU.

The Net Price Calculator is a different calculator that provides estimated Net Cost to attend Cameron -- in other words, also taking into account likely out-of-pocket expenses. This "Net Cost" is the estimated cumulative costs at Cameron for tuition and fees, books, room and board, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs, minus any estimated financial aid that you are eligible to receive. More information on how to determine your potential federal financial aid can be found below (FAFSA4caster).

The Net Price Calculator is based on costs at Cameron University for the last completed Academic Year and federal, state, and institutional grant and scholarship aid received by first-time freshman that are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours. Awards such as Federal Work Study, Athletic Scholarships, and external awards are not used in the calculation; however, these and other types of financial assistance may be available to you and can assist in lowering the "Net Cost" as calculated by the Net Price Calculator. Please contact the Office of Financial Assistance at 580-581-2293 for more information.


In order to estimate your eligibility for federal student financial aid you may be eligible to receive, please go to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) website and complete the FAFSA4caster. Please note this is just an estimate and it must be completed each year to apply for federal student aid. You may also complete the official FAFSA form at that same site.