President's Partners - $1,000
Ann Acers-Warn
Adventure Travel - Hossein Moini
Affiliated Transportation Systems - Terry Bell*
Affiliated Van Lines of Lawton Inc - Richard Allen
Alan Aycock, M.D., Inc. - Alan and Sandy Aycock*
Nancy Alexander
American Electric Power - Michael Hixson*
American National Bank*
Jack and Joyce Amyx
Anderson Pharmacy & Accents - Shawn and Christi Anderson
Sam Ard*
Mark and Linda Ashton
Jari Askins
AT&T - Kyle Coulter*
Byron and Doris Aycock*
BancFirst - Duncan - Natalie Cole*
Barry and Neta Beauchamp
Becker Funeral Home - Phil and Patsy Rabon*
Steven and Kathleen Beckman
Florence and Walt Belland*
Don and Lynda Bentley*
Stephen and Sherri Bentley*
Ajay and Shireen Bhargava*
Billingsley Ford of Lawton - Craig and Jamie Billingsley*
Danielle Blackburn
Tia Blansett
Ted Blodgett*
Michael and Connie Blose
Blue Halo - Gregory Thomas
Brady's Decorating - Brady Clifford*
Rick and Barbara Braught**
Virginia Brewczynski*
Burney Brewer**
Todd and Lori Bridges*
George and Linda Bridges*
Brittain Merchandising Company - L.D. Brittain*
Richard Brittingham*
Charles and Louise Brown*
Leora Brown*
Shawn and Krystal Brue
Jack and Judy Bryan
Burgess & Burgess, Inc. - Brad and Karen Burgess*
Bonnie Burton
Mollie Burton*
Susan and Mark Camp
James and Carolyn Campbell*
Carey Johnson Oil Company, Inc. / EZ GO - Carey Johnson, Jr.
Dorothy Carter*
John and Carol Carter*
CDBL, Inc. - Michael Brown
Sharon Christensen
Citizens Bank - Gilbert Gibson*
City National Bank - George Porter, III
Clarence E. Page Foundation**
Brad and Rhonda Clemmer
Coldwell Banker Crossroads Realtors - Johnny Kinder*
Coleman Research Corporation*
Comanche Home Center - Phil and Anita Kennedy*
Community Escrow & Title Co. - William Bartley*
Construction Management Spec - Cary and BJ DeHart*
Jimmy and Sharon Cooper*
Michael and Laura Coponiti
Noah "Abe" Cornish
Corvias Group LLC/Sill Housing - Amber Moser
Cotton Electric Cooperative Inc. - Jennifer Meason
William and Carol Crawford*
Chris and Melissa Crimmins*
Julia and Brad Cunningham
Don and Beverly Davis*
Jean Davis*
Wilma Davis*
Charles "Chris" Deal
Wolfgang and Janet Deeg
Ronnie and Diane Denham*
Phil and Jennifer Dennis
Dale and Nancy Dowell
Robert and Karen Drewry**
Donald and Zoe DuRant
Easton's LLC - Kenneth and Pamela Easton*
Keith and Amanda Erwin**
EZ Go Foods*
Loyal and Chlorica Farmer*
Fred and Natalie Fitch*
Fleetway Car Sales - Dan and Diane Mullins*
Flintco Constructive Solution - Mark Grimes*
Fort Sill National Bank - John Davis*
Sheila Fountain
Eric and Kay Frische*
William and Yvette Furtado*
Ron and Loree Gaines
Don and Diane Gaskins*
Michael and Shaun Geiger*
Gelnar Ranch - Jacob Gelnar
Gilbert and Aulena Gibson*
Ernest and Jane Godlove*
Goodyear Tire and Rubber - Colby Clodfelter*
Charles and Betty Graybill*
Nathan and Linda Grantham*
Great Plains AMBUCS - Gordon Shaw*
Charles Green*
Harold and Elizabeth Hackler*
Hamra Realty Company - Adeline Hamra*
Robert and Nadine Hanefield
Bob and Jean Harbison*
David and Tiena Harrell*
Cecile Hash and Linda Orr*
Hatch Croke and Associates - Scott and Laura Hatch
Hazel Lee Fitch Revocable Trust*
Henniges Automotive - Chase Massie
T.J. and Pat Henry*