The Diversity general education student learning outcome is assessed as follows:
- A question is embedded into the final or a final test which will be assessed using the Cultural Diversity Rubric. Assigned in: ARBC 1113, ARBC 1223, CHNS 1113, CHNS 1223, CMCH 1113, CMCH 1223, ENGL 2313, ENGL 2323, ENGL 2343, FNAR 1013, FREN 1113, FREN 1223,GEOG 2243, GERM 1113, GERM 1223, HIST 1113, HIST 1123, HIST 2113, HIST 2223, ITAL 1113, ITAL 1223, LATN 1113, LATN 1223, MUSC 1033, PHIL 1113, PRSN 1113, PRSN 1223, RUSN 1113, RUSN 1223, SOCI 3013, SPAN1113, SPAN 1223, SWLI 1113, SWLI 1223
- Results from NSSE survey given every third year to freshmen and seniors relating to the question:
“How much has your experience at this institution contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in understanding people of other backgrounds (economic, racial/ethnic, political, religious, nationality, etc.).”
- Additional questions added to IDEA course evaluations administered in Baccalaureate Capstone Courses.
- Additional questions added to IDEA course evaluations administered in General Education Courses.