Student Learning Outcome Statements
Outcomes are updated each year for the previous academic year after the appropriate review cycle is completed.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
The program student learning outcomes are determined by the departments and state the desired outcomes for a student who completes the program.
- Department of Agriculture, Biology and Health Sciences
- Department of Art, Music and Theatre Arts
- Department of Business
- Department of Chemistry, Physics and Engineering
- Department of Communication, English and Foreign Languages
- Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Education
- Department of Military Science
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Sports and Exercise Science
- Department of Social Sciences
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- General Education
Non-Instructional Unit Outcomes
- Academic Advising Center
- Admissions
- Aggie Rec Center
- Alumni Relations
- Athletic Administration
- Developmental Education
- Distance Learning
- Events and Activities
- Financial Assistance
- Human Resources
- Library
- Open Doors
- Printing Services
- Public Affairs
- Registrar
- Student Development
- Student Enrichment Center
- Student Housing
- Student Support Services
- Testing Center
- Tutoring Center
- Undergraduate Research
- University Success Courses
- Upward Bound
- Veterans Affairs
- Wellness Center