Developmental Education Outcomes
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Developmental Education Program is to provide under-prepared students with reading, writing and math skills and strategies necessary to succeed in college level coursework.
1. Students will successfully complete required developmental coursework within the first 24 hours of college credits.
2. Students successfully completing their developmental coursework in mathematics or English will enroll in a first college level course in that discipline within one year students.
3. Students who have successfully completed their developmental coursework in mathematics or English and are enrolled in a first college-level course in that discipline will successfully complete that course within two years.
4. Students will identify preferred reading strategies that are needed to succeed in college level courses.
5. Students will demonstrate discipline specific skills in English that indicate college preparedness in the discipline.
6. Students will demonstrate discipline specific skills in mathematics that indicate college preparedness in the discipline.
7. Students enrolled in a co-requisite course will be successful in the corresponding college-level course.
8. Students needing developmental classes will enroll in co-requisite courses.