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Cameron FY 2025 budget crafted to expand opportunities and support for students

Cameron University enters the 2024–2025 academic year after successfully concluding a strategic plan and prepared to further expand opportunities and support for students and stakeholders.

Key areas for support that are used to assign budget allocations and to make budget decisions are 1) support for current and prospective students, which includes increasing student financial support; 2) support for employees; 3) maintaining university physical and information technology facilities, which includes completing deferred maintenance, construction and renovation projects in Duncan and Lawton to advance student learning opportunities; and 4) preparing for the future. The latter encompasses continued preparation for an assurance review by the Higher Learning Commission during June 2025 as well as identifying and employing the next generation of leadership, including the university president.

Total projected revenue for FY 2025 is $43,206,752, which includes a $287,747 one-time Property and Casualty Insurance Offset increase in state-appropriated funds. Overall revenue is also projected to increase due to enrollment revenue associated with increases in student credit hour production and concurrent enrollment.

University expenditures relative to FY 2024 will increase by $880,986 to address mandatory cost adjustments in utilities and insurance as well as to provide an increase in scholarship funding.

“Supporting students and employees during an increased inflationary period remains an institutional priority for FY 2025,” says President John McArthur. “As in previous years, we continue to identify cost-cutting efficiencies that allow us to direct more resources to provide a high-quality education to Cameron students.” We realize that students continue to face increasing costs in their lives, so it was critical to increase student scholarships and tuition waivers. In addition to providing top-quality degree programs, we strive to help our students graduate with as little, if any, debt as possible.”

In this FY 2025 budget, Cameron’s administrative expenses of 10.6 percent of all expenses represents a decrease from FY 2024, and the amount remains less than the 13 percent administrative cost guideline for regional universities established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. The university remains committed to maximizing the portion of the budget allocated to instruction, academic support, student services, and student scholarships and waivers while minimizing the portion of the budget used by administrative departments.



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