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Cameron University education students awarded Future Teacher Scholarships

Four Cameron University education students have been awarded Future Teacher Scholarships, a program funded by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE). Brandon Langford, Amanda McClure, Makayla Meadows and Erika Montgomery are the recipients.

Langford, a senior from Elgin, is a social studies education major with a minor in English.

An early childhood education major with a concentration in special education, McClure is a senior from Lawton.

Meadows, a senior from Duncan, is pursuing a degree in early childhood education with a minor in psychology.

A resident of Cache, Montgomery is a senior. She is pursuing a degree in early childhood education major with a concentration in special education.

OSRHEā€™s Future Teachers Scholarship program was established as an incentive to encourage the preparation of teachers in critical shortage area in public schools across Oklahoma. Awardees agree to teach in a shortage area in Oklahoma public schools for a minimum of three consecutive years upon graduation and licensure as a teacher.



July 14, 2020

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