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Cameron University recognizes staff members with Pickaxe Award

Cameron University staff members Tiara Robinson and Jordan Wicker-Puente are the recipients of the 2023 Pickaxe Awards, which recognize full-time Cameron employees whose performance is above and beyond expectations. Robinson is an administrative assistant in the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Accountability, and Wicker-Puente is an information systems specialist in the Office of Financial Assistance. Each received a $1,000 stipend and a commemorative award.

The Pickaxe Award is presented annually to recognize full-time employees whose performance exceeds the expectations of their job descriptions. The award recipients have made a contribution and/or commitment that has resulted in a significant difference to Cameron students, visitors, or other employees, or whose commitment to their job responsibilities, department, or the university stands out as a clear example to all other employees. Award recipients must have been employed full-time at least one year at Cameron. Nominations were made by Cameron students, faculty and staff. Recipients were selected by the university’s executive council.

Robinson “plays an effective central role in her knowledge of assessment procedures, practices and personnel,” one nominator wrote, referring to her as a “reliable resource to peer reviewers and to the project teams who document annual assessments.” Another nominator wrote that “she exhibits strong problem-solving skills, demonstrating a capacity to find effective solutions to assessment-related challenges,” while another wrote that “her help does make a significant difference to other employees and students.”

Wicker-Puente has improved the student experience with the Office of Financial Assistance, according to the nominator. She has automated many office duties, saving staff members hours of tedious manual entry, which results in students receiving more efficient and effective assistance. Wicker-Puente also manages the student financial aid email account, ensuring all emails receive a timely, accurate response.


PR# 23-179

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