Cameron University’s George D. Keathley Department of Military Science has presented awards and scholarships to members of the Comanche Battalion, Cameron’s Army ROTC unit. The Comanche Battalion recognized cadets for meritorious performance in military science, academics, physical fitness, personal achievement and leadership. Awards are sponsored by the Department of the Army, national and local societies, organizations, and businesses and private individuals.
Larry Bassett received the George C. Marshall ROTC Award, which recognizes the top senior in the program. Bassett will attend the annual George C. Marshall Leadership Seminar.
The Department of the Army Superior Cadet Decoration Award, presented to the outstanding cadet in each military science year who has demonstrated strong officer potential, was presented to Samuel Smith, Eduardo Lopez, Shane Lord and Nathan Weston.
The FIRES Chapter of the Association of the United States Army Scholarship is presented to an outstanding cadet in each military science year who has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in their military and academic studies. Recipients were Jennylyn Thompson, Cody Sheppard, Joseph Hilliard and Samuel Harris.
Andrew Ortellil, Taron Epps, Joel Vann and Alex Young were honored with the Colonel Jack Wolfson Memorial Scholarship. The award is presented to a cadet in each military science year who displays academic proficiency, outstanding leadership qualities, and high moral character.
Prince Ezeh received the 2LT Tobias Alexander Scholarship. It is awarded to a full-time cadet who demonstrates superior leadership potential and maintains a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Robin Boudiette III was honored with the Virginia K. and Robert l. Janda Scholarship, which is presented to a full-time student who demonstrates superior leadership potential and maintains at least a 3.0 GPA.
The Dr. Edwin Chappabitty, Jr. Scholarship was presented to Destinie Belle.
The Sergeant York Award is presented to basic course cadets that demonstrated superior leadership qualities in military science courses; this award was presented to Nathaniel Amos and Sherrie Taylor.
Sam Smith and Jennylyn Thompson were honored with the Professor of Military Science Physical Fitness Cadet Award. It is presented to the male and female cadets who achieve the highest score on the Record Army Physical Fitness Test.
The Professor of Military Science Academic Award, presented to cadets who show the most dedication to academic excellence, was presented to Matthew Barrier.
Samuel Smith and Larry Bassett received the Comanche Warrior Award, presented to each cadet scoring 300+ on the Record Army Physical Fitness Test.
The Cadet Command Sergeant Major Recognition is presented to a senior cadet for exceptional duty performance while serving as the cadet battalion Command Sergeant Major. Jennylyn Thompson was honored with the award.
Larry Bassett received the Cadet Battalion Commander Recognition award for exceptional duty performance while serving as the Cadet Battalion Commander.
Taitia Joseph received the Cadet of the Semester Award. Cadets receiving this award have demonstrated exceptional achievement in all areas of ROTC.
Todd Sellars was the inaugural recipient of the Bill and Betty Burgess Memorial Endowed Scholarship, which is presented to a descendant of a noncommissioned officer or currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces as a noncommissioned officer.
Altus: Destinie Belle
Central High: Alex Young
Elgin: Matthew Barrier, Cody Sheppard
Guthrie: Nathan Weston
Lawton/Fort Sill: Nathaniel Amos, Larry Bassett, Robin Boudiette, Taron Epps, Prince Ezeh, Samuel Harris, Joseph Hilliard, Taitia Joseph, Eduardo Lopez, Shane Lord, Andrew Ortelli, Todd Sellars, Samuel Smith, Sherrie Taylor, Jennylyn Thompson, Joel Vann.
December 4, 2020