Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus


Alumni Award

The nomination form is located at the bottom of this page.

The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes alumni who have:

  •  Received a degree from Cameron more than 10 years ago. 
  • Enhanced the reputation of the university by distinguishing themselves in their careers 
  • who have made significant contributions to their community through professional service, public service, civic activities and/or service to Cameron University. 
Alumni who attended but did not graduate from Cameron may be considered at the discretion of the Distinguished Alumni/Outstanding Young Alumni Awards Committee. Up to two awards within each category may be presented annually.

Selection Criteria

1.    The awards will be presented to alumni who have made significant contributions to society and whose accomplishments and careers have brought credit to Cameron in one or more of the following areas:

  • Nominee must be a graduate of Cameron University (or any of its previous names)
  • Nominee has received a degree from Cameron more than 10 years ago
  • Nominee must exhibit core Cameron University values and demonstrate an affinity to their alma mater.
  • Nominee has an outstanding and notable record of distinction, success, accomplishment, leadership and service to his/her profession or community.

Posthumous nominations will be considered.

2.    Current Cameron University employees, members of the Cameron University Alumni Association Board of Directors, members of The Board of Regents governing The University of Oklahoma, Cameron University and Rogers State University, members of the Oklahoma State Legislature and members of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education are not eligible for these awards until one year after their employment or service ends.

Selection Process

1.    Nominations for 2025 must be submitted no later than August 31, 2024, with the awards to be presented to the selected recipients on February 22, 2025 at the Cameron University Alumni Association Distinguished Awards Banquet during Homecoming Weekend. Nominations received after August 31, 2024, will be considered for the following year. A nomination form may be obtained by contacting the Cameron University Office of Alumni Relations or by using the link below.

2.    Any individual or group may submit a nomination for the Distinguished Alumni and Outstanding Young Alumni Awards.

3.    Nominations must be typed and must include the requested information on the nomination form.

4.    Nominations will remain in the nominee pool for two years. After two years, the individual's nomination must be resubmitted for consideration.

5.    Members of the Distinguished Alumni/Outstanding Young Alumni Awards Committee will include the following representatives:

  • Three members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
  • The Vice President of University Advancement and the Director of Alumni Relations will serve as ex-officio members.

6.    The nominees will be notified of their nominations by the Office of Alumni Relations and will be given the opportunity to provide additional information prior to the Awards Committee meeting to review nominations. The Alumni Association President will present the Awards Committee's recommendations to the Alumni Association Board for final approval.

7.    The selected recipients will be contacted by the Alumni Association President and asked to accept the award. After acceptance, the recipient(s) will receive further information regarding the award presentation from the Office of Alumni Relations; and those who made nominations will receive notification of the award recipients.

8.    Recipients must agree to attend the awards presentation in order to be recognized and receive the award. In the event that a selected recipient cannot attend, the nominee will be considered for the following year. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Cameron University Alumni Association Executive Committee for reasons such as illness or infirmity. Posthumous awards shall be accepted by a member of the honoree's immediate family or by a person deemed acceptable to the Executive Committee.

    Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form

    The Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to Cameron alumni who have received a degree from Cameron more than 10 years ago.

    The person submitting this nomination is asked to include:
    1. The completed official nomination form. Items with * are required fields.
    2. Nominating statement describing the nominee’s contributions/accomplishments not exceeding 200 words.
    3. Please provide any other materials such as resume or background information, copies of newspaper or magazine articles, citations, or other similar items that support the nomination, if available.

    Email if you have additional questions.

    About the Nominee

    Nominee's Biographical Information and Accomplishments

    Nominated By

    I am certifying that the above information about the candidate is an accurate reflection of their work and accomplishments.

    Nominations must be submitted no later than August 31, 2024, to be considered. For more information, call (580) 581-2988 or email