Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Outstanding Aggies of Tomorrow


Each year, the Cameron University Alumni Association seeks to recognize outstanding graduating senior students who have:

  • Excelled in their programs and extracurricular activities
  • Epitomized the true value of becoming a Cameron Aggie


The Outstanding Aggie of Tomorrow Award honors up to two Cameron University graduating senior students. Current Cameron University faculty and staff members are invited to nominate graduating senior students who meet the selection criteria. Nominees for this award will be solicited internally from faculty and staff at Cameron University to include the Dean of Students, and Chairs of the various Academic Departments. Nominations and supporting materials are reviewed by the selection committee which then selects the recipients.

Nominations for 2025 must be submitted no later than March 1, 2025. Outstanding Aggie of Tomorrow recipients will be awarded at the Alumni Toast on the day of Commencement. Award recipients receive recognition plaques and have the opportunity to give short acceptance speeches. The Cameron University Alumni Association sponsors this program and presents it in partnership with the Cameron University Office of Events and Activities.

History and selection process of the Outstanding Aggie of Tomorrow Awards

During planning for the 2009 Homecoming festivities, the Cameron University Alumni Association saw the need for a formal program to recognize student excellence. Cameron University has many outstanding students, and it is important that we honor them in as many ways as possible. Recognition and appreciation of effort and dedication can only encourage future excellence and achievement. The Outstanding Aggie of Tomorrow Awards are our way of affirming current students who are our future alumni.

Cameron faculty and staff nominate students whose qualities they characterize as outstanding. A selection committee is established to review the nominations. This selection committee is established by the Office of Alumni Relations. Participation in this selection committees will be decided by the Office of Alumni Relations and will be composed of at least two Cameron Faculty/Staff members, one alumnus or alumna, and one representative appointed by the Alumni Relations Office. This committee reviews the nominees and selects the award recipients.

After the committee names the award recipients, each winner is notified and will be awarded at the Alumni Toast on the day of Commencement.


Selection should be based on three areas: 

  1. academic achievements/honors
  2. career-related experience
  3. extracurricular activities. 
An Outstanding Aggie of Tomorrow Award nominee should be a well-rounded and successful member of our campus and community and epitomize the true value of a Cameron Aggie. Tie-breaking areas of selection can include leadership activities and strength of class load as it pertains to each student's major.

Criteria and materials reviewed by selection committee include:

  • Nominee must be a graduating senior
  • Examples of how student has excelled
  • Examples of student's extracurricular activities
  • Examples of hew student epitomizes the value of a Cameron Aggie
  • Impact the student has through their involvement with a student organization or community
  • GPA: high academic achievement
  • Letters of Recommendation (academic, professional or personal)
  • Academic achievements and honors
  • CU course work (transcripts will be requested)
  • Career-related experience