Teacher Certification Information
Cameron University recommends for certification those students who have completed approved education programs. The State Department of Education has final authority regarding the certification of educators in the state of Oklahoma. Below, find information about Certification Tests, Applying for Certification, Alternative Certification, and Adding Certification Areas.
Certification Tests
The Oklahoma General Education Test is a test of core general education knowledge and skills including critical thinking, computation, and communication. The test includes approximately 100 selected-response questions and one writing assignment.
Cameron undergraduate students may use a passing OGET score to meet General Education requirements for admission to Educator Preparation programs.
The Oklahoma Subject Area Tests are designed to assess subject-matter knowledge and skills. Most OSATs contain selected-response questions and constructed-response assignments.
Cameron undergraduate students must attempt the OSAT(s) specified by their programs prior to student teaching. A passing OSAT score in a candidate's degree program area is required before they will be certified.
The PPAT, or Praxis Performance Assessment of Teachers, is a capstone assessment that measures a teacher candidate's ability to provide contextual factors that impact learning environments. It also measures the candidate's ability to plan lessons, teach content, and use assessments to measure K-12 student learning.
Cameron undergraduate students must pass the PPAT before they will be recommended to the state for certification.
Test Dates & Registration
A list of test dates and testing windows along with score reporting dates can be found on the CEOE web site along with online registration.
Study Guides
Study guides are available for all Oklahoma certification tests. Each includes the test competencies, sample test questions with explanations of the answers, and suggested test preparation strategies. Study guides are available online at no cost.
Score Reporting
Cameron students seeking certification are responsible for turning in a copy of passing scores for all tests to the Teacher Certification Specialist in NB 1012 or at tiffanyh@cameron.edu
Applying for Certification
Students who have completed an approved teacher education program at Cameron University will be recommended by the university for certification in the state of Oklahoma.
Once you have completed all elements of your program (e.g. final portfolio check, exit survey), the Teacher Certification Specialist and Director of Teacher Education will verify your completion and recommend you for licensure.
After you have been recommended, you can apply for your certification through the Single Sign-On System on the Oklahoma State Department of Education website.
Alternative Certification
Alternative certification is the process one uses if he/she has a degree, decides to teach, but does not have a teaching license/certificate.
The application for alternative licensure and additional details about alternative certification can be found on theOklahoma State Department of Education web site.
Additional Certification
Licensed and certified teachers who wish to add additional areas to their license/certificate by testing can do so using the Oklahoma State Department of Education's Online Teacher Certification System.