Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Faculty Research Opportunities


We have classes called Special Problems that specialize in research of scientific questions designed by the professors’ projects. Special Problems allow students to explore these questions with some assistance from the associated mentor. In the following links are some of the past research opportunities that students pursued and offered answers through analysis of their data. Every spring, the department takes part in the annual Oklahoma Research Day. This event affords students an opportunity to present their research with other students from across the state.

Every semester, the chemistry department takes part in the regional American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting as well as taking part in the national ACS meeting. These meetings take place in a larger metropolitan areas such as New Orleans or Boston.

Every year, the physics department takes part in the American Physical Society (APS) regional and national meetings. These national meetings also take place in a much larger metropolitan region such as Brisbane, Australia or Houston, Texas.

Here are the offered research opportunities below!

Analytical Chemistry


Organic Chemistry

Physical Chemistry
