Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus


What Psychology degrees are offered at Cameron?

At Cameron, we offer both Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Our degrees are as follows:

Bachelor's Degree: Bachelor of Science in Psychology; Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Studies

Master's Degree: Master of Science in Behavior Science (M.S.B.S.); Master of Arts in Mental Health (M.A.M.H)

  • Counseling track
  • Marriage and Family track

What Psychology courses are offered at Cameron?

You can access the undergraduate course catalog here.
You can access the graduate course catalog here.

Can I minor in Psychology?

Yes, you can minor in Psychology. We offer an open minor, which means that any classes with a PSY prefix count toward the minor.
You can also minor in Family Science. The Family Science minor includes FAMS 1123 and 15 hours to be chosen from any course with a FAMS prefix, ECON 2003, PSY 3353, PSY 3363, or PSY 3373.

I am a Psychology major. What classes do I have to take?

You can find the degree plan information here.

I am trying to participate in Psychology experiments. What do I need to do?

First, you will need to retrieve your login information from your Cameron email account. Then, go to this link to sign up for experiments. After you participate, the researcher will grant you credit. At the end of the semester, your instructor will receive a list of how many credits you received.

If you are having problems accessing the system, please contact Dr. Jeff Seger, our Experimetrix System Manager, at